Yo-yo Pay-it-Forward Threads
Over the past year, I've been reasonably active in Pay-it-Forward threads onĀ YoyoExpert's forums. These threads, usually started by generous members, are set up to allow users to borrow different yo-yos to try them out before buying them. It is an excellent way for new players to try several throws to see what they do or do not like about them.
When I first got into the yo-yo scene a little over a year ago, my mind reeled at the variety of throws on the market and how expensive many are. Many factors affect how a throw plays, like the shape, axle, and whether the yo-yo is responsive or unresponsive. Some companies mass-produce yo-yos, while boutique shops produce limited runs. Prices can range from $5 up to multiple hundreds of dollars.
One can see how it is a bit daunting.
An H-shaped throw plays differently from a V-shaped, W-shaped, or Organic shaped throw. Different cuts in the body of a yo-yo affect how it interacts with the string. Various style bearings also affect string play. Where does one start? It is cost-prohibitive to purchase different types of throws only to find out you do not like them. Pay-it-Forward threads are the solution for those who do not have local yo-yo clubs or friends who also yo-yo.
The way they work is simple. A forum member, or sometimes a yo-yo company, puts up a specific throw for grabs. Players can get in line to try out the throw for a limited time before sending it to the next person on the list. Sometimes people toss goodies in the box, like extra strings or stickers, for the players next in line to snag.
Of course, the whole system only works if players do not break the chain, keeping throws for themselves and then going dark. It has happened a few times, but generally, these things move along quite well, and everyone has a good time.
I currently own four throws, three budget yo-yos, and a solid one in the $30 range. I do not have disposable income to purchase the many (many) throws I am interested in. Through Pay-it-Forward threads, I've been able to try some great throws, including:
Fair Trade Yo-Yo:
- PV44
- 138
- Project Y
- Inception
Top Yo:
- Silenus
- Panorama
- Fat Tire
- Centrifugal
- Reflection (title pic)
Many of the yo-yos on that list are between $60 and $150, certainly not throws I would toss down money for on a whim. I have enjoyed every one, but I can say with surety that the Top Yo Silenus and One Drop Panorama are the ones I would like to snag for my collection eventually. Without Pay-it-Forward threads and without the generosity of those who start them, I would never have the opportunity to try so many different throws.
I am just starting my yo-yo journey, but I am glad to have the resources to help me along without spending a fortune trying to find a throw I enjoy playing with.